Loneliness and Other Feelings I Avoid

Chloé Daniels | Clo Bare
11 min readDec 17, 2018

Lately, the words “I’m lonely” seem to be on this quiet murmuring track in the back of my brain anytime distractions subside and the fog re-emerges.

I’m lonely. It whispers. My heart beats and it sounds again. I’m lonely

I catch the thought and try to shake it away, and focus on the present, but it comes back into the rhythmic reminder that something is missing.

My loneliness is full of contradictions.

I’m lonely yet I don’t feel like being social.



Chloé Daniels | Clo Bare

In less than two years I paid off $40k of debt and increased my net worth by $200k. Now, I teach folks how to manage their money. clobare.com