What is an ETF? Investing in the Stock Market 101

Chloé Daniels | Clo Bare
12 min readApr 20, 2021

What are ETFs or exchange-traded funds? In Clo Bare’s Investing 101 series, she works on demystifying the stock market so folks like yourself can understand, invest, and get some of that sweet, sweet, passive income. In this post, Clo Bare breaks down exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by explaining what they are, the different types of ETFs, how they make you money, the benefits, and the drawbacks.

Welcome back to the Investing 101 series where I aim to break down investing a tiny bite-sized chunk at a time. If you’re new here, welcome. My name’s…



Chloé Daniels | Clo Bare

In less than two years I paid off $40k of debt and increased my net worth by $200k. Now, I teach folks how to manage their money. clobare.com